Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TWD: Honey Peach Ice Cream

Hmm. How to make ice cream when one does not have an ice cream maker. That was my dilemma.

Not to worry...plastic baggies, check...salt, check...ice, check. Honey Peach Ice Cream, here I come.

The directions I found online says to use one gallon and one quart bags, but I didn't want to make this in two batches and had one and two gallon bags. So, that's what I used.

I filled the larger bag about a third to half-way with ice. Sprinkled in about one cup of table salt (didn't have nor could I find rock salt - they're the same thing anyway). Plopped in the bag filled with the custard and start to shake, shake, shake.

It worked!! Didn't take very long either, about 10-15 minutes. I had to work quickly in transferring the frozen custard to containers and making it freezer-ready. It was still very soft and the mixing in of the small peach chunks wasn't helping the custard's soft freeze state.

Ahhh...ice cream. It's a beautiful thing.

Next time, I would decrease the amount of honey. I will also skip adding in the diced peaches mid-way through the freezing process. Instead, I would just sprinkle it on top before serving.

Next time, I will also "redesign" my freezing equipment and use a stockpot and a plastic container. I think that will be easier and less messy. The baggie method was pretty fun, though. Everyone should try it at least once. :-)

If you do decide to try it, make sure you wear gloves. The bag gets very cold. It might also be a good idea to shake the bag over the kitchen sink. Have fun!

Thank you to Tommi of Brown Interior for this week's selection.


Erin said...

Nice job using the baggie method! I have seen it on the Internet, but never had the guts to try it. Your ice cream looks perfect!

wildthayn said...

I'm so impressed you did this by hand!! I've never heard of it!! Looks like it turned out great... nice job!!

Megan said...

Good for you for improvising and finding an alternate solution! I'll admit I wimped out on TWD this week because I didn't have an ice cream maker. You're a dedicated baker, for sure.

Jules Someone said...

NIce job improvising! I really enjoyed this method. We've made ice cream using a large and small paint can. Very well cleaned, of course.

Lillian said...

Wow -- that's dedication. Very impressive!

Leslie said...

How cool that you made your ice cream without a machine! That's very inspiring!

Amber Marie said...

Nice bag method! It does sound like a little bit of fun. I just put mine in the freezer and stirred occasionally and it came out well. But I like the bag idea, I'll have to try it next ice cream making session.