Tuesday, March 31, 2009

TWD: Coconut Butter Thins

I think I've misplaced my baking mojo.  Either that or it is a typo in the book.  It did say to bake for 18 - 20 minutes, didn't it?

I don't know what happened.  Everything was going so well.  The heady fragrance released from the lime zest when I rubbed it into the sugar made feel me giddy and happy (picture Snow White singing with the seven dwarfs giddy).  At the halfway mark, I skipped tra-la-la-la-lightly over to the oven to dutifully rotate the baking sheets.  The Coconut Butter Thins looked almost done but it had only been 9 minutes so I rotated the baking sheet and gently closed the oven door.

The timer on my iPhone went off 9 minutes later and lo and behold (aaahhh!!)...

...the Wicked Voodoo Queen of Baking Mishaps had struck.  She snuck in when I wasn't looking and wave her wand of misfortune.  I sit here in a pool of absolute puzzlement and disappointment.  I don't even have the heart to fetch my camera to take proper photos of these pitiful looking things.

The second batch turned out a bit better but the ones along the edges of the baking sheet didn't fare too well.  The disappointment remains but as I nibble on the least burnt cookies I am remembering the Blueberry Crumble and how that didn't turn out so well either.  (Btw, even burnt these cookies are pretty tasty.)

Well, Snow White is off to search for her baking mojo - better find it before next week because next month looks like some serious baking at TWD.

This weeks recipe was selected by Jayne of Barefoot Kitchen Witch.


Leslie said...

I'm so sorry yours didn't turn out because these are really great! I hope you'll give them another chance. I've noticed some of the other bakers have lowered the oven temp to 315.

Pamela said...

I agree with Leslie, these really were a good cookie. I'm so sorry they didn't work out for you. What a disappointment! April does look like quite a month at TWD. I'd better get my butt moving! :o)

Unknown said...

Sorry you had some problems with these cookies. They weren't my favorite cookie but I liked the dough a lot :)

Karen said...

Sometimes crazy stuff happens for no apparent reason. Good luck next time!

Stacey said...

These were a great cookie. I had the same experience with the cooking time.

Linda said...

I hate it when that happens! I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you this week. Wishing you better baking mojo next week. :)

Jayne said...

Oh no!! I'm so sorry the Wicked Voodoo Queen swooped into your kitchen! So frustrating, isn't it? Hope your mojo returns soon!

beach real estate said...

try harder the next time for sure it will look good and tastier than you expected